Meet Ken Lee

Hi, my name is Ken Lee, founder of ”The Way of Energy”, an integration of all the Science, Religious, and Spiritual technologies I studied over my 40 year quest for spiritual truth.


My quest began when I was 14 years old, growing up in Branson Missouri, the bible belt of the Ozarks. One would think that, in the heart of Christianity, I would have been where all the action is. Well, not actually. I was confused why even though the different denominations were studying the same documents; they were adamant about being right. Their way was the only way. If you were this way, or not that way, you were not of God. So I began my quest to find the truth.


I made a request to the Boundless One, “Teach me, show me the truth” I opened myself to receive which led me on a path of endless discoveries. Beginning with different denominations in Christianity, to the creative principles of WICCA, through Quantum Physics to 10,000-year-old Aztec plant medicines that open doorways to other dimensions, to “Know” to the fullest extent of the word with Kabbalah and Scientology, and to flow with the Energy fields of Reiki and sound waves of the primordial Ohm.


Although my training is not complete, the Boundless has asked me to begin sharing this technology with the world to help others live life on purpose. It has given me this mission:

To coach, mentor, and train individuals and groups on proven experiential technologies that empower and inspire them to apply the optimum solution for success without violating the rights of others.

The key to this philosophy is stated in the Science of Getting Rich:

“THERE is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe.

A thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought.


Man can form things in his thought, and by impressing his thought upon formless substance can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.


In order to do this, man must pass from the competitive to the creative mind; otherwise he cannot be in harmony with the Formless Intelligence, which is always creative and never competitive in spirit.


Man may come into full harmony with the Formless Substance by entertaining a lively and sincere gratitude for the blessings it bestows upon him. Gratitude unifies the mind of man with the intelligence of Substance, so that man's thoughts are received by the Formless. Man can remain upon the creative plane only by uniting himself with the Formless Intelligence through a deep and continuous feeling of gratitude.”


Excerpt From: Wallace D. Wattles. “The Science of Getting Rich.” iBooks.


These two foundational principles are the cornerstone for The Way of Energy. It integrates the spiritual sciences with physical sciences making a complete unified field of creation.

I work within what I call the Seven Tech. Seven levels of energy, experience, emotions, Dynamics, awareness and response. The seven levels correspond with Chakra Technology, Emotional Tone Level Technology, Human Dynamic Technology, and Spiritual Awareness Technologies. Each of these technologies is divided to help us recognize how they relate to our physical environment. Understanding these levels help us understand our place in this physical universe and helps us choose how we want to participate and respond.

The Way of Energy is also a system of religious therapeutics, wellness, health, wealth, healing, and martial arts. In Indigenous Traditional Medicine, humans are described as being conduits between the twin powers of the Celestial influences and energies of Heaven and that Terrestrial influences and energies of the earth. We are how the heavens feel wet grass between the toes and how the earth sees the stars.


The Way of Energy uses these technologies to empower and inspire us to perform at our peak. This enables them to make dramatic changes within their lives and the lives of others. By living life on purpose we avoid the distractions of the things we don’t want and help us focus more clearly on the things we do want.

I served in the US military over 34 years. During that time I faced many challenges that enabled me to practice what I apply here at The Way of Energy. I use my experiences to help others become great leaders of their own lives and live their life on purpose.


The key to success is applying the Optimal Solution and do so without violating the rights of others. This idea creates a win win situation across the greatest number of Dynamics.

I am currently a student in the SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine to become a Doctor of Natural Medicine. The current technologies I use are: Thai Yoga, and Ayurveda Wellness Counseling, COR.E Performance Coaching, Certified Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner, Certified Empowerment Coach, Health and Wellness Coach, Trauma Coach, Dianetics Auditor, Emotional Freedom Technique practitioner, Reiki II practitioner and a Second Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwan Do. I have training as a Master Resilience trainer, and Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Technique trainer. To wrap this up into one package I am an Ordained Minister on a mission to bring people and technologies together for the fullest expression of peace, wellness, and loving kindness.

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